Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Salamander testing at QVRA

Nick and his group look for salamanders at QVRA.  They find no larva salamanders because the water is too turbid, but they do find 7 Dusky Salamanders, 7 Two-lined Salamanders, and 3 Red Backed Salamanders. 

Salamander Testing above QVRA

Katie and her group are working above the QVRA site.  Emily records coordinates.  They find 3 Dusky Salamanders, 9 unidentified larva salamanders, and plenty of fish (sculpin, creek chub, etc.) 

Salamander gathering in Little Sewickley Creek

Practicing catching and counting salamanders to prepare for the salamander survey at ,below, and above QVRA.

The History of the Watershed

Katie Garvey explains the history of our watershed to the new Creekers.

Team Building

An activity to show the food chain and the conservation of energy (tennis ball) through the food cycle. 

Training Day

Everyone (except Genevieve, of course) on training day.