Wednesday, May 22, 2013

End of the Year Creek Clean Up!

QV Creekers were asked to help clean up a local stream that was used as a dump site for years!  Creekers hulled out trash, tires and various large articles such as washers, barrels  etc... that were sent off to the scrap yard!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Creek Connections Conference at Camp Kon-o-kwee

QV Creekers had a great time at the Creek Connections symposium at Camp Kon-o-kwee on April 19th 2013!  Creekers opened the conference with their documentary about the Jefferson Salamanders Project in Bell Acres!  Later the creekers ran their own focus group activity to educate the younger audience at the conference about PA mammals found in and around our PA watersheds!  We finished the day with a trip to the high ropes course and climbing barn at Camp Kon-o-kwee!  What a great day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

QV Creekers Get Ready For Creek Connections Symposium!

QV Creekers will be preparing an educational game for the Creek Connections symposium in April 2013.  The game involves the life cycle of various freshwater mussels and their dependence on certain "host fishes" to disperse their young.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

and the Filming Continues!!!!!!!!!

On Jan 15th 2013 - The QV Creekers with amazing filmmaker Peter Heres at Fern Hollow Nature Center.  We began to piece together the opening of the documentary on the "Salamanders of Bell Acres."  The group filmed various scenes and recorded numerous "voice overs" which are audio clips to accompany still shots and footage that were selected earlier.